

On one particular coral head, I found several species of blennies to photograph.  They were all 1/2" to 3/4" long and a bit shy, but I managed to capture a few cool photos.  



This flagfin blenny was quite transparent and new to me.  

I first noticed her raising and lowering her fore-dorsal fin and then she posed for the  camera.  


Flagfin blenny


Flagfin blenny

A redeye triplefin was also a new find that I noticed due to its banded pectoral fins.  

He blended into the coral colors quite well, yet I was able to catch  him in profile with his dorsal fins up and cirri below his eyes in frame. 


Redeye triplefin

There were quite a few teeny, orangesided gobies also on this coral head.  I'm getting better at distinguishing them from the leopard goby, which are usually quite bigger.

Orangesided goby


Orangesided goby

© M&M 2019